Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poem: thought i do something interesting

Nimbles, twists and turns each breath, The willow Tree cries desperation Not one white flow of seeds fall,Not one branch grows taller Pray to the sun the willow tree, Pray to the water that flows under the Glistening River, Pray For a new day Inside Twists and turns, Inside Cries Grow louder,Seeds in waiting for the new season Follow the sun the rain the clouds,Feel the droplets of clear on the,Nimble dry trunk that is rooted to the dirty soil Below the grass where it drinks, Listen listen to that Willow tree, The Willow tree cries cheerfully, Not one but many white seeds flow, Not one but many branches grow,Pray Thank the fiery yellow sun Pray for inside this cell I cry for the willow tree

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