Monday, September 6, 2010


What a summer amazing. It went by so fast. Well in this speedy summer i managed to enroll in a 12-week catering program and wow its harder than i thought... well almost. I've made it through the first 5 weeks and this week is my last. This week i graduate and move on to phase two, its going to be so exciting teehee. I am now a certified level one first aid, i have my serving it right, my WHMIS, HOWART. This week will be a busy one. I can't wait to see what happens this week me and my friend are going to present our business pitch and hope we get hired. Wish me luck and good luck to everyone in their endeavors.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Meagan's 18th B-day drawing with LOVE~~~!!

Alice: Meagan and I did this together! It is completely random and cool!

Meagan: Amazing what happens with your first attempted at using a tablet with a friend.

Alice: It's done in Photoshop and we had fun playing with the line and color, and... yeah...

Meagan: you never know what you'll end up with but this this is intersting very..

Alice: = =||| and the people outside Meagan's house are really loud, and I wish they can shut up.

Meagan: No kidding eh! but at least when i sleep they have passed out.

Alice: but they are very very annoying right now, they are partying outside harder than we are = =||| isn't this Meagan's b-day?

Meagan: Well the harder they party the quicker they'll pass out or fall asleep.

Alice: True. Ok lets move on.

Ladies and Gentlemen, and those that are not ladies and gentlemen. We now present to you....

"Victorian Forest"
(short for: Victiorian in a Forest)


Summer Yahoo

Omg summer has started. I am finally 18 years old and living free. What shall i do this summer? right a book, PNE(if i can afford it) babysit or get a job. Summer lots to do but no idea what.....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Life is a B**tch, but life goes on

So today i had the Cinderella project it was really fun. i got to keep some stuff which was really cool. I just wish some people i knew could be a lil happy. I don't know what to do now

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rebel FFamine/ today

I don't think i ever want to feel they way i felt this morning. I Felt Like Sh**. Not eating for 30hrs does a real number on you especially when its time to go to bed and no one shuts up. i have no idea if or how much i slept. So when i got home i slept for most of the day. hopefully the rest of the day is better.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Life less Dreams

I really don't know what to say. Right now my life is up and down up and down. sometimes it seems like each day is a ticking bomb, just waiting to explode. I'm happy where I'm at for now, but i still feel afraid that if i make one mistake I'll get in huge trouble. Hopefully things will get better cause the life i want is not the life i have now. I don't know how many people actually see this particular blog so I'm keeping names out of this. Cause fear would rush through me if i did. Other then that I've got good news. I got into the sweat program and sometime this week I'll finally get to talk to a worker about getting on a Youth Agreement.I'm praying for a new light to shine on me.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Winter sleep

Hush says the trees its coming

Hush says the Raspberry Bush

Hush says the bears in the cave


White falls white flows

It covers the ground in a white blanket

It is cold it is wet

But full of pleasure and imagination

Time to go Time to keep warm

For when the season ends

New things we’ll see

Hush says the ground

Hush says the snow

I’m here

Poem: thought i do something interesting

Nimbles, twists and turns each breath, The willow Tree cries desperation Not one white flow of seeds fall,Not one branch grows taller Pray to the sun the willow tree, Pray to the water that flows under the Glistening River, Pray For a new day Inside Twists and turns, Inside Cries Grow louder,Seeds in waiting for the new season Follow the sun the rain the clouds,Feel the droplets of clear on the,Nimble dry trunk that is rooted to the dirty soil Below the grass where it drinks, Listen listen to that Willow tree, The Willow tree cries cheerfully, Not one but many white seeds flow, Not one but many branches grow,Pray Thank the fiery yellow sun Pray for inside this cell I cry for the willow tree

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4th 2010

Well I caught the cold last weekend and I'm still a feeling a lil sick but nothing contagious I don't think. Anyhow Regarding that Cinderella Project I can't wait. Oh and someone else at school actually approached me about it to see if i was interested in it. I Laugh a lil but felt honored that two people wanted to nominate me for it. My hair is growing back well. The other day i was selling DVD's of the fashion show. The fashion show was great, there were some great performances and clothing. The "RATV Committee" you could call it is raising money for the RAT Awards at the end of the year our goal is $300 at least to cover the rent of the MJF theater. I'm still passing school. My main goal besides graduating is to find a place to live for when i graduate and getting a job. I hope i'm successful because i really need to.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today well was just another day with updates

Hey world. my hair grows faster and faster. my school raised over 13,000 dollars for haiti. My counsellor wanted to talk to me today. She informed me that she wanted to nominate me for the Cinderella Project. I'm really excited because i did some research on it and well i want to be chosen. Of the few that are nominated only a select few are chosen. go to google and type in Cinderella project in Vancouver.