Sunday, December 20, 2009

Four Days to Christmas Eve

Its amazing this year is like wow for snow.. There's none on the ground and yet its kind of cold. We've got rain. I already mentioned in the other blog but i shaved me head for cancer, the students that volunteered in total raise over $8,000 dollars. My head actually does n't look that bad its kind of cool actually.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Its almost Christmas

Only a few more weeks then Christmas Break. Wonder what i should do.. I've been given a couple options and well I'd really like to do both. but they'd occur on the same days. Although it also will depend on the weather; if it snows and how much it snows. I think maybe wait a few weeks and we'll see what happens. This week My group is broadcasting for RATV news at school. I can't wait two weeks and then no school till January 3 2010Also here is a animation i did in my animation class , we used paper then a flip book program on a computer. The video is short maybe like 2 or 3 seconds long

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Past few weeks

Hey.. long time no talk. The past few weeks have been a bit busy. Just last week I tore ligements in my quad muscle; doctor said to stay off it for 10-14 days. I might try dancing on wednesday, instead of Monday. Not going to take any chances and start dancing too early. Best to follow the doctor's instructions.Anyhow Homecoming is on the 26th this month last one before i graduate I can't wait its winter ball themed. After that i plan to take the knowledge test for my learners. So far this year has been pretty good. well thats all for now. i'll update later.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lots of News to tell

Lots have happened in the past few weeks. I recently got into the Art Institute of Vancouver. Today i went to the screening of Whip it; it was really good. Lots of girls hitting each other and the main charactor is the same one that played in Juno. My wisdom teeth are starting to grow in and it is F*** annoying and, it feels like theres popcorn in my mouth. Tomorow is friday whoot. Nothing else new to report for today .. blog in a few days.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Omg!! i feel so sore. I had dance the other day and we did cardio, i think i am defiantly feeling the workout. my neck, stomache and some back are feeling a bit bad. it hurts to move my head in certain places. I am now on the fifth book the killing dance by Laurell K Hamilton.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day one: It rained but art was created this day

Hey all those who might see this. Here in BC it rained on and off, However it didn't bug me i spent most of the day inside in my art classes. My favorite was using pastels and creating an abstract painting. Its not done yet but i hope i finish soon and then maybe i can show it to you all. This year is my final year in high school and this year strangely enough all my course except one have to do with art. I laughed when i realized it. I am taking Eng 12, Bio 12, TVP 12, Animation 12 Foundations 12, Drawing and Painting 12, Dance performance 12. To my family that i live with it might seem light i can agree a little but hey its only the begining and I am already busy in both og my drawing classes. My goal is to be an Animator and i've already taken the first step by taking the courses that will help me. I am currently applying at The Art Institute of Vancouver, its a really great school and I think that anyone would love it. You can go there with no art experience and could walk out with a career in hand. Well i've said alot talk another day