Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day one: It rained but art was created this day

Hey all those who might see this. Here in BC it rained on and off, However it didn't bug me i spent most of the day inside in my art classes. My favorite was using pastels and creating an abstract painting. Its not done yet but i hope i finish soon and then maybe i can show it to you all. This year is my final year in high school and this year strangely enough all my course except one have to do with art. I laughed when i realized it. I am taking Eng 12, Bio 12, TVP 12, Animation 12 Foundations 12, Drawing and Painting 12, Dance performance 12. To my family that i live with it might seem light i can agree a little but hey its only the begining and I am already busy in both og my drawing classes. My goal is to be an Animator and i've already taken the first step by taking the courses that will help me. I am currently applying at The Art Institute of Vancouver, its a really great school and I think that anyone would love it. You can go there with no art experience and could walk out with a career in hand. Well i've said alot talk another day

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