Sunday, November 29, 2009

Its almost Christmas

Only a few more weeks then Christmas Break. Wonder what i should do.. I've been given a couple options and well I'd really like to do both. but they'd occur on the same days. Although it also will depend on the weather; if it snows and how much it snows. I think maybe wait a few weeks and we'll see what happens. This week My group is broadcasting for RATV news at school. I can't wait two weeks and then no school till January 3 2010Also here is a animation i did in my animation class , we used paper then a flip book program on a computer. The video is short maybe like 2 or 3 seconds long


  1. Hey sweetie! Love your animation so cute!!! Also got your comment on my blog I will see what I can do. You know the "white thing" is a Stole, its like a Shawl. What color would you like?(just in case I get my other projects done).

  2. I would like it in red, i was half joking. But if you'll make it cool
