Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rebel FFamine/ today

I don't think i ever want to feel they way i felt this morning. I Felt Like Sh**. Not eating for 30hrs does a real number on you especially when its time to go to bed and no one shuts up. i have no idea if or how much i slept. So when i got home i slept for most of the day. hopefully the rest of the day is better.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Life less Dreams

I really don't know what to say. Right now my life is up and down up and down. sometimes it seems like each day is a ticking bomb, just waiting to explode. I'm happy where I'm at for now, but i still feel afraid that if i make one mistake I'll get in huge trouble. Hopefully things will get better cause the life i want is not the life i have now. I don't know how many people actually see this particular blog so I'm keeping names out of this. Cause fear would rush through me if i did. Other then that I've got good news. I got into the sweat program and sometime this week I'll finally get to talk to a worker about getting on a Youth Agreement.I'm praying for a new light to shine on me.